As we know, diabetics have problems controlling their blood sugar levels, requiring insulin injections. Or taking medications that lower blood sugar levels, which can lead to low blood sugar. However, people who do not have diabetes can also experience this condition, especially those who eat less than normal or fast, as well as those who exercise heavily. For this reason, we have brought you knowledge about Hypoglycemia and how to fix it.

Sugar is the main source of energy for the body and important organs, especially the brain and nervous system. Most of the sugar the body receives comes from carbohydrates in the food and drinks we consume. Sugar is then transport into the blood to travel to every cell of the body for the cells to use as energy. Sugar is also the main source of energy for the brain. Therefore, blood sugar is very important for brain function. Normal blood sugar levels after fasting are between 70 milligrams / deciliter (3.9 mmol / L) – 100 milligrams / deciliter (5.6 mmol / L).
Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, occurs when your blood sugar level drops below the lower end of the normal range.
Common symptoms include rapid heart rate, dizziness, headache, ทางเข้า ufabet, irritability, anxiety, blurre vision, excessive sweating, frequent hunger, fatigue, and tremors. It is often cause by eating too little or at the wrong time, taking an excessive amount of certain blood sugar-lowering medications, or injecting too much insulin. It can also be cause by exercising or working harder than usual.
How to take care of yourself when you have hypoglycemia
In cases where people have hypoglycemia from excessive exercise or fasting, the patient is still conscious and has few symptoms. If low blood sugar occurs close to mealtime, eat immediately. However, if it occurs between meals, eat a snack such as skim milk, 1 medium-sized fruit, or 2-3 crackers.
In cases where the symptoms are quite severe but the patient is still conscious. The patient should replenish carbohydrates as soon as possible by choosing carbohydrates that the body can absorb quickly. Which are simple carbohydrates such as half a glass of syrup, half a glass of unsweetened fruit juice. 2 pieces of candy, 3 teaspoons of sugar, 3 teaspoons of honey. Then immediately eat complex carbohydrates such as bread, rice, noodles.